Updating SES Evolution

To update the components of SES Evolution, obtain an Installation Center in the desired version from your MyStormshield client area, under the Downloads section and run it from a host on which a component of the solution has been installed. All components will be automatically updated.

Before updating, we recommend that you perform a full backup of your machines.

Our recommendation:

  • a complete snapshot for a virtual machine,

  • a disk image for a physical machine.

To apply the update:

  1. Log in to the machine using your domain account.
  2. Double-click on the SES_Evolution_Installation_Center.exe file.
  3. Click on Update an existing installation.
  4. Enter the address of the administration database instance and the login credentials of the super administrator account on the database.
  5. In the next window, the Installation Center automatically detects the components that need to be updated. Click on Start update.
    If the administration console requires an update, the Installation Center shows the list of users connected to the console, and the names of their workstations. A red banner appears on all open consoles, asking users to save their changes and quit the console. The update starts when all consoles are closed.
  6. If there are still consoles that remain open:
    1. Click on Force update to shut down the consoles remotely and proceed with the update. Use this option only if you are sure that there are no changes to be saved, for example if the console user is absent.
    2. Click on Cancel update if you prefer to postpone the update.

Refer to the section Updating agents in the Administration Guide for more details on how to update agents.