Creating and configuring agent groups
An agent group is an SES Evolution agent template that you deploy on all workstations that need to share the same configuration, especially within the same security policy. Any later changes to the configuration of the agent group will be applied to all agents in the group.
Separate agent groups can be created for the following cases:
- Servers and workstations of users who are not on the same level of security,
- Departments in the company that require customized security rules,
- Laptops of mobile employees and desktop computers, etc.
After an SES Evolution agent is installed on a workstation, it will appear in the Agents panel of the administration console. It will be automatically placed in the agent group to which it belongs.
The Agent groups - Modify privilege is required to create and configure agents.
To create an agent group:
An agent group named Default group is created automatically in the console, but customized agent groups can also be created.
- Select the Environment > Agents menu.
- In the left panel, click on Create a group. The line New group appears.
- In the Agents tab in the right panel, enter a Name for the group.
- Configure the agent group according to your preferences in the Policies, Scheduled tasks, Settings and Status and logs tabs. You must select at least one policy.
- Click on Save in the upper banner to save changes.
To create a new group, you can also duplicate an existing group. While a duplicated group keeps all the settings of the original group, it does not contain any agents.
Select the group to duplicate.
Click on Duplicate in the