Managing certificates and certification authorities

The Configuration > Certificates menu makes it possible to view and manage certification authorities (CAs) and firewall certificates at the same time. From the same panel, you can add, update or delete certificates and certification authorities.

In the table, authorities, sub-authorities and certificates are presented in a tree structure displaying information on certificates, firewalls and topologies concerned.

  • To select the columns to be displayed, scroll over the name of a column and click on the arrow that appears.
  • To display the actions that can be performed on authorities and certificates, scroll over the Certificate status column. Action icons will appear.

Firewall certificates can be in X509 or issued via SCEP or EST, and allow different actions to be performed:

  Certification authorities X509 certificates SCEP/EST certificates
Icons when scrolling over the line Certification authority icons x509 certificate icons SCEP certificate icons
Possible actions

Refer to the procedures below for more information on each of these actions.