Since the QoS configuration has changed in SNS version 4.3.0, when a configuration that uses QoS is updated to SNS version 4.3.0 or higher, a warning message will appear, indicating that "The QoS configuration must be completed".


This is an early access feature in SNS 4.7.

You must refer to the Known issues and Limitations and explanations on usage of SNS 4.7 Release Notes before enabling this feature or upgrading an existing QoS configuration to SNS 4.7.

QoS configurations defined in versions earlier than SNS 4.7 are not automatically valid. Traffic shapers must be set so that these QoS configurations can be enabled after an update to SNS version 4.7.

QoS can be configured through two tabs:

  • Queues tab: defines traffic shapers and queues.
  • Traffic shapers tab: assigns traffic shapers and queues to the network interfaces in question.