Creating filter and NAT rules

SMC makes it possible to deploy filter and NAT rules in your firewall pool. Rules apply to sets of firewalls (folders and sub-folders) or are specific to certain firewalls, therefore making it possible to configure a rule shared by several sites just once, while continuing to be able to deploy specific rules on a given site.

To organize your firewalls by folders, refer to the section Organizing firewalls by folders. Rules applied to the default root folder MySMC apply to the entire firewall pool.

To perform these operations, you need to hold write access privileges on the folders in question in the SMC web interface. For more information, refer to the section Restricting folder administrators' access privileges.

For further details on each menu and option for rule configuration, refer to the SNS User guide.

Rules can be defined in the Filtering and translation tab from the Configuration > Firewalls and folders menu or from a firewall's settings.