Latest enhancements to Stormshield Data Management Center

June 18, 2024

Downloading security policies from SDMC

You can now download a security policy even if it contains expired certificates. A warning message displays.

April 09, 2024

Improving error management

SDMC now displays appropriate error messages if errors are detected when importing a .json security policy.

Improving the window for adding an LDAP directory

In the Add an LDAP directory window of the LDAP library menu, the fields now display a placeholder to help the user enter the correct values. This placeholder must be replaced by a real value.

March 13, 2024

Importing security policies in SDMC

You can now import a .json format security policy in SDMC which has been previously exported from SDMC. However, LDAP directories and authorities certificates indicated in the policy are not imported.

Accessing administration logs through the API SDMC

It is now possible to access administrators connection logs through the SDMC API. Among other things, these logs indicate the connection mode used by the administrators (password or SAML).

You can still access the administration logs which were already available in the version 1 of SDMC through the API.

February 19, 2024

Managing keys to use the SDMC API SDMC

A new menu API keys is available in SDMC. It allows administrators with the Manage API keys permission to create API keys, valid for one year by default. API keys allows them to use the SDMC public API, particularly to access administration logs. Administrators can also permanently delete these keys.

Managing users’ keys and certificates in Password accounts

In the Accounts > Creation menu of a security policy, in the Password account creation section, the checkboxes for selecting the source of user keys and certificates have been replaced by a drop-down list.

Excluding folders from encryption with the Team feature

In the Team settings of a security policy, you can now specify a list of folders on which a user will not be able to create a Team security rule to automatically secure the folder. The list is recursive and automatically includes sub-folders.

New secure deletion mode with the Shredder feature

In the Shredder advanced settings of a security policy, you can now configure the secure file deletion mode. This feature would write a series of characters in bytes in several rounds, replacing the file contents. SDMC SDMC now makes it possible to select the values of the successive rounds which replace the contents to be deleted.