SN2000, SN3000 and SN6000

SN2000 et SN3000    
Front   Rear


1: On/off button
2: USB 3.0 port
3: VGA port: for plugging in the monitor
4: Mini-Din PS/2 port: for plugging in the keyboard

On the powered off SNS firewall:

  1. Plug the monitor into the VGA port.
  2. Plug the keyboard into the PS2 port.
  3. Insert the USB drive into a USB socket.

The default baud rate on SN2000 and SN3000 models is 9,600 baud (8N1).

Front   Rear
1: On/off button
2: USB 2.0 port
3: VGA port: for plugging in the monitor

On the powered off SNS firewall:

  1. Plug the monitor into the VGA port.
  2. Plug the keyboard into a USB socket.
  3. Insert the USB drive into a USB socket.

The default baud rate on the SN6000 model is 9,600 baud (8N1).


  1. Power up the SNS firewall.
  2. Start it up by using the On/off button.
  3. Once the STORMSHIELD logo appears, immediately press several times on Del.
  4. In the BIOS screen, using arrows on the keyboard, select the Save & Exit tab,
  5. In the Boot Override section, select the USB drive.
  6. Confirm. The SNS firewall will then restart on the USB drive. Continue to the section Starting the restoration of the SNS firewall.