Starting the restoration of the SNS firewall

You have just started the SNS firewall. After a few seconds, you will see on the screen:

Welcome to FreeBSD

Several items will then appear. When the following message appears:

This action reinitializes your firewall. All data will be erased. Do you want to continue? (yes/no):

Type "yes” to proceed with the restoration.

The successive phases then appear on the screen. How long this restoration phase takes depends on the model of the SNS firewall you want to restore and may take up to half an hour.

======= Detect disks
[info] Disk: mmcsd0
======= Dump firmware to disk
======= Get disk reference
[info] Reference: 6465762e6d6d6373642e302e25646573633a204d4d432f5344204d656d6f727920436172640a
======= Build master reference
camcontrol: cam_lookup_pass: CAMGETPASSTHRU ioctl failed
cam_lookup_pass: No such file or directory
cam_lookup_pass: either the pass driver isn't in your kernel
cam_lookup_pass: or mmcsd0 doesn't exist
======= Build partitions
[info] Create partition /dev/mmcsd0
[info] Create gpt scheme on /dev/mmcsd0
[info] Create partition /dev/mmcsd0p1
[info] Create partition /dev/mmcsd0p2
[info] Create partition /dev/mmcsd0p3
[info] Create partition /dev/mmcsd0p4
======= Depack firmware
[info] Depack firmware
[info] Decompress ConfigFiles
[info] Set fr keyboard
[info] Save bootcode
[info] Reinit
[info] Umount parts
[info] Save main firmware in p1.dump
[info] Save data in p4.dump
[info] Compress p1.dump
[info] Copy p3.dump
[info] Compress p4.dump
======= Restore firmware on mmcsd0
[info] Clean /dev/mmcsd0
[info] Restore /dev/mmcsd0
[info] Create fs on /dev/mmcsd0p1
[info] Create fs on /dev/mmcsd0p2
[info] Create fs on /dev/mmcsd0p3
[info] Create fs on /dev/mmcsd0p4
[info] Restore /dev/mmcsd0p1
[info] Restore /dev/mmcsd0p3
[info] Restore /dev/mmcsd0p4
[info] Install boot block ubldr on /dev/mmcsd0p2
[info] Check /dev/mmcsd0p1
[info] Check /dev/mmcsd0p3
[info] Check /dev/mmcsd0p4
[info] All is OK !!!


All is clear. Press key to poweroff…

This message indicates the end of the restoration phase.

  1. Press any key to shut down the SNS firewall.
  2. Unplug the USB drive.
  3. You can now restart your SNS firewall normally.


All error messages appear in red and begin with "Error", followed by the name of the command that failed.

You can then attempt to start the restoration again by replying "yes" to the prompt:

This action reinitializes your firewall. All data will be erased. Do you want to continue? (yes/no):

Or end the restoration process by replying "no". Shut down the SNS firewall by typing "halt".

If the restoration failed, get in touch with Stormshield’s Technical Support for an RMA procedure.

For more information on declaring and following up on hardware returns, refer to Reporting and following up on hardware returns (RMA) in the MyStormshield client/partner area.