SN-S-Series-220 and SN-S-Series-320



1: Location of the SD card

2: Mains sockets to be screwed in

3: USB-C port console access

4: USB 3.0 port

5: OUT port

6: IN port

7: Serial port for access in console mode

8: Button to reset the appliance to its factory settings (defaultconfig).


As the serial ports (3) and (7) allow access to the SNS firewall in console mode, users can connect to it from a PC.

On the powered off SNS firewall:

  1. Insert the USB drive into one of the USB 3.0 ports (4)
  2. Connect the serial port (7) to an RS232 serial port, or connect serial port (3) to a USB port on the computer, by using the serial cable provided with the SNS firewall.
  3. Launch a console emulator on the PC to access the SNS firewall (115,200 baud - 8N1).
  4. Power up the SNS firewall, which will immediately start running on the USB drive.
  5. Continue to the section Starting the restoration of the SNS firewall.