Installing the web server service
This section explains how to connect to the web server to install the Apache service on it.
The connection port used is the SSH redirection port (TCP port 2222 in the example) added to the security group for traffic from outside.
Connecting to the web server in SSH
- Run a Powershell command window (Microsoft Windows workstations) or a shell window (Linux workstations).
- Use the cd command to go to the folder containing the SSH key that was downloaded when it was created
cd c:\Temp
(Microsoft Windows workstations)
cd \home\documentation (Linux workstations)
- The preset user name to connect to the web server instance is outscale.
Enter the command:
ssh -i file_name_SSH_key-p port_redirection_ssh outscale@public_ip_address
ssh -i Documentation-keypair.rsa -p 2222 outscale@
You are now connected to the server.
Installing the Apache service on the web server (Linux/Ubuntu servers)
- Type the command sudo apt-get install apache2.
- Confirm the installation by typing y.
The packets required for the Apache server to run are installed.