New firewall behavior

Changes introduced in version 3.7

To connect an SNS firewall to SMC, you must generate and install a different connecting package on each firewall. To ensure that each firewall has been connected with its own package, SMC now checks the serial numbers of firewalls that connect to it.

As a result, if an SMC connecting package is used by mistake for several firewalls, SMC 3.7 will now only allow the first firewall to connect, and reject the others. This will prevent the firewalls in question from taking turns to connect to SMC, and from being considered a single firewall.

If this describes your use case before version 3.7, please refer to the section Information prior to an update of the server to restore the normal function of all your firewalls.

Changes introduced in version 3.6

Lowest version of SNS firewalls managed by SMC 3.6

As of SMC version 3.6, SMC no longer supports SNS firewalls in versions lower than 4.3.

Managing dynamic routing during an SNS firewall update

When an SNS firewall is being updated to version 4.8.1 EA or higher, SMC now automatically downloads the firewall's local dynamic routing configuration when it reconnects after the update.

Backing up the SMC server

The SMC server's configuration backup no longer contains system files relating to users and groups. When a backup is being restored, SMC now retrieves the information relating to users and groups that was stored on the host (logins, passwords, etc.).

Changes introduced in version 3.4

RSYNC command

Some system packages have been removed because SMC does not use them and as part of this cleaning, the RSYNC system command has been removed. To copy files, you can still use the cp command.

Interfaces with network or broadcast addresses

SMC no longer allows interfaces to be created with network or broadcast addresses, to ensure that interfaces correspond to SNS firewalls.

When a network has a /31 subnet mask, both of its available addresses will still be accepted, as they are not considered network and broadcast addresses.

For more information before updating to SMC version 3.4, refer to Recommendations.

Configuration deployment and automatic backups

SMC now generates a warning when an automatic backup is scheduled to start while a configuration deployment is in progress. The automatic backup will then be canceled.

Change introduced in version 3.2.1

In SMC, SNS firewalls in versions lower than 3.7 can no longer be connected and managed.

If you have SNS firewalls in versions below 3.7 that are connected to SMC, they will no longer be able to connect to SMC 3.7. We recommend that you update your SNS firewalls to a version that SMC supports.