Completing the configuration of firewalls with a CSV file
In SMC, a CSV configuration file can be imported into the settings of each firewall, and can be applied whenever the configuration is deployed.
This file makes it possible to set SNS parameters that cannot be configured in SMC, or to load common parameters on a given firewall.
This feature applies only to parameters contained in configuration files that are generated by SMC. It does not allow operations on a firewall's local filter and NAT rules, for example.
Create a CSV file with the following structure:
setconf, "file", "section", "field", "value"
setconf, "file", "section", "line"
delconf, "file", "section", "field", "value"
delconf, "file", "section", "line"
The authorized SNS operations setconf and delconf make it possible to edit or remove configuration settings.
For example:
setconf, network, loopback1, Address,
setconf, Global/VPN/01, Global, RemoteFetch, 1
For more information on configuration files in general, refer to SNS firewall documentation.
If you wish to change the default separator character in the file, refer to the section Choosing the separator character in CSV files.
Next, import the file into SMC as shown below.
To import the configuration file into a firewall's settings:
- Go to Monitoring > Firewalls or Configuration > Firewalls and folders.
- Scroll over to the name of the firewall and click the pen icon , or double-click the line on which the firewall is found.
- In the System > Configuration tab, expand Additional firewall configuration and click on Import file.
Once the CSV file has been imported into the firewall's settings, it will be applied to SMC configuration files every time the configuration is deployed on the firewall. The file can be replaced or deleted.
Export the file to view its content.