Removing SNS firewalls from the SMC server

To perform this operation, you need to hold write access privileges on the folders containing the firewalls to be removed. For more information, refer to the section Restricting folder administrators' access privileges.

To stop managing a firewall from the SMC server, and to remove it from the list of firewalls in the web interface:

  1. Scroll over the name of the firewall in Monitoring > Firewalls and click on the red cross.
    Delete firewall icon
    The firewall will no longer be able to connect to the SMC server.
  2. As a second step, connect to the firewall in SSH or via the console of your hypervisor and enter the following command lines:

    nstop cad
    setconf /Firewall/ConfigFiles/Cad/cad Server State 0
    rm /Firewall/ConfigFiles/Cad/*.pem

    The firewall will stop trying to connect to the SMC server.
    In the case of a high availability cluster, enter these commands on the active node of the cluster and synchronize both nodes.