Administration console

Virtual machines with an SES Evolution administration console installed cannot be cloned. This would make SES Evolution unstable, and it would then be impossible to uninstall the component.

Operating systems

Refer to the Product life cycle guide to find out more on compatibility with Microsoft Windows versions.

Processors for physical machines

64-bit processors with minimum 2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent.

Itanium processors are not supported.

Processors for virtual machines

At least one virtual socket and two 1 GHz cores per socket.

Stormshield recommends one virtual socket and two 2 GHz cores per socket.

Physical memory At least 1 GB. Stormshield recommends 2 GB.
Disk space
  • At least 100 MB for installation
  • At least 100 MB for data storage

These are the disk space requirements for the NTFS file system.

Network configuration
  • Outgoing communication:
    • TCP 443 (HTTPS)

Framework .NET 4.6.2

Display At least 1680x1050.
  • VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority certificate installed to verify the authenticity of SES Evolution updates.
    It must be installed in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities or Third-party Root Certification Authorities certificate store.