IPS tab

Automatically detect and inspect the protocol If this protocol is enabled, the inspection function will automatically apply to discover corresponding traffic that filter rules allow.

SMTP protocol extensions

Filter the CHUNKING extension Allows filtering data transferred from one e-mail address to another.

Attachments in e-mails.

Filter Microsoft Exchange Server extensions Allows filtering additional commands from the Microsoft Exchange Server.
Filter request to change ATRN and ETRN connection direction Makes it possible to filter data contained in the request to change connection direction, from the client to the server, or from the server to the client.
During an SMTP communication, the use of ATRN and ETRN commands allows exchanging the client/server roles.

Maximum size of elements (bytes)

Imposing a maximum size for elements (in bytes) allows countering buffer overflow attacks.

Message header

Maximum number of characters that an e-mail header can contain (e-mail address of the sender, date, type of encoding used, etc.).

The values allowed for this field must be between 64 and 4096.

Server response line

Maximum number of characters that the response line from the SMTP server can contain.

The values allowed for this field must be between 64 and 4096.

Exchange data (XEXCH50)

Maximum volume of data when transferring files in MBDEF format (Message Database Encoding Format).

The values allowed for this field must be between 102400 and 1073741824.

BDAT extension header

Maximum volume of data sent using the BDAT command.

The values allowed for this field must be between 102400 and 10485760.

Command line

Maximum volume of data that a command line can contain (excluding the DATA command).

The values allowed for this field must be between 64 and 4096.


Disable intrusion prevention When this option is selected, the scan of the SMTP protocol will be disabled and traffic will be authorized if the filter policy allows it
Log every SMTP query Enables or disables the logging of SMTP requests.