"Real time" table

This table shows the list of all the hosts that have obtained an IP address through the firewall's DHCP server. For each host, the "DHCP monitoring" view displays the following data:

IP address Indicates the IP address assigned to the host. This address comes from one of the address ranges declared in the Network > DHCP module.
Status Indicates that the IP address referenced in the table is used (active) or free in the DHCP range.
Lease begins Indicates the date and time at which the DHCP server assigned an address to the host. This is displayed in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Lease ends Indicates the date and time at which the IP address assigned by the firewall's DHCP server will be available again if the host does not send any new requests to renew the lease. The lease duration can be customized in the Network > DHCP > Advanced properties > Assigned lease time module.
This is displayed in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
MAC address Indicates the MAC address of the network card bearing the IP address assigned by the firewall's DHCP server.
Host name Indicates the name of the host to which the IP address was assigned.

Right-click menu

Right-clicking on the name or IP address of a source or destination host opens the following pop-up menus:

  • Search for this value in the "All logs" view,
  • Check this host,
  • Show host details,
  • Reset the reputation score,
  • Blacklist this object (for 1 minute, 5 minutes, 30 minutes or 3 hours),
  • Add the host to the objects base and/or add it to a group.

Possible actions

Refresh This button refreshes data shown on the screen.
Export results This button makes it possible to download a file in CSV containing information from the table.
Configure the DHCP service This link makes it possible to go directly to the configuration of the DHCP service (Configuration > Network > DHCP module).
Reset columns This button makes it possible to display only columns suggested by default when the host monitoring window is opened.