Interactive features

Some operations listed in the taskbar can be performed by right-clicking on the table of filter rules:

  • New rule (Single rule, Separator - Rule grouping, Authentication rule, SSL inspection rule, Explicit HTTP proxy rule),
  • Delete,
  • Cut,
  • Copy,
  • Paste,
  • Search in logs,
  • Search in monitoring.

Mathematical comparison

Whenever you come across a drop-down list of objects in the columns (except “Status” and “Action”) a mathematical operator icon will appear (). It can only be used if an object other than “Any” has been selected.

You can therefore customize the parameters of your traffic using the following icon in 4 different ways:

  • “=" (or ): the value of the attribute corresponds to what is selected.
  • “!=" (or ) the value of the attribute is different from what has been selected.
  • "<" (or ; can only be used for source ports, destination ports and host reputation scores): the value of the attribute is lower than what has been selected.
  • ">" (or ; can only be used for source ports, destination ports and host reputation scores): the value of the attribute is higher than what has been selected.

Adding/modifying objects

Some drop-down lists offer the button, which leads to a pop-up menu:

  • Create an object: new objects can be created directly from the Filter/NAT module
  • Edit object: when an object is in a field, it can be edited directly to modify it (name, IP address for a host, adding the object to a group, etc.), except for read-only objects ("Any", "Internet", etc).