Structure of an objects database in CSV format
For each type of object that can be imported or exported, this section defines the structure of a row that makes up the objects database in CSV format.
All fields are separated by commas. Optional empty fields will be included between two commas.
- Type of object (mandatory): host,
- Name (mandatory): text string using only accepted characters (see section Allowed names),
- IPv4 address (mandatory),
- IPv6 address (optional),
- DNS resolution: static or dynamic,
- MAC address (optional),
- Comments (optional): text string between quotes.
host,,,2001:4860:4860::8888,,,"Google Public DNS Server"
IP address range
- Type of object (mandatory): range,
- Name (mandatory): text string using only accepted characters (see section Allowed names),
- First IPv4 address in the range (mandatory),
- Last IPv4 address in the range (mandatory),
- First IPv6 address in the range (optional),
- Last IPv6 address in the range (optional),
- Comments (optional): text string between quotes.
DNS name (FQDN)
- Type of object (mandatory): fqdn,
- Name (mandatory): text string using only accepted characters (see section Allowed names),
- IPv4 address (mandatory),
- IPv6 address (optional),
- Comments (optional): text string between quotes.
- Type of object (mandatory): network,
- Name (mandatory): text string using only accepted characters (see section Allowed names),
- IPv4 address (mandatory),
- Network mask (mandatory),
- IPv6 address (optional),
- Length of the IPv6 prefix (optional): indicated in number of bits,
- Comments (optional): text string between quotes.
- Type of object (mandatory): service,
- Name (mandatory): text string using only accepted characters (see section Allowed names),
- Protocol (mandatory): TCP, UDP or Any,
- Port (mandatory): port used by the service,
- First port in the range: empty field
- Last port in the range: empty field
- Comments (optional): text string between quotes.
service,bgp,tcp,179,,"Border Gateway Protocol"
Range port
- Type of object (mandatory): service,
- Name (mandatory): text string using only accepted characters (see section Allowed names),
- Protocol (mandatory): TCP, UDP or Any,
- Port: empty field
- First port in the range (mandatory): number of the first port used by the port range,
- Last port in the range (mandatory): number of the last port used by the port range,
- Comments (optional): text string between quotes.
- Type of object (mandatory): protocol,
- Name (mandatory): text string using only accepted characters (see section Allowed names),
- Protocol number (mandatory): standardized number available from the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority),
- Comments (optional): text string between quotes.
protocol,ospf,89,"Open Shortest Path First"
Host group, IP address group or network group
- Type of object (mandatory): group,
- Name (mandatory): text string using only accepted characters (see section Allowed names),
- Group components (mandatory): list of elements included in the group (list between quotes - components separated by commas),
- Comments (optional): text string between quotes.
Service group
- Type of object (mandatory): servicegroup,
- Name (mandatory): text string using only accepted characters (see section Allowed names),
- Group components (mandatory): list of elements included in the group (list between quotes - components separated by commas),
- Comments (optional): text string between quotes.
servicegroup,ssl_srv,"https,pop3s,imaps,ftps,smtps,jabbers,ldaps","SSL Services"