Configuring a profile

DNS resolution

Domain name (mandatory) Domain name assigned to the Dynamic DNS client. For example:
By using the option Resolve domain names for all sub-domains (wildcard management), you will be able to cover all sub-domains.

If you specify in the Domain name field and the option Resolve domain names for all sub-domains (wildcard management) has been selected, all sub-domains (,, etc.) will be associated with the client.

Interface associated with the domain name

Name of the network interface whose IP address is associated with the domain name.
Please note that :

  • An interface can use only one profile.
  • A profile can only be used by one interface.
  • The profile cannot be active if an interface has not been indicated
Resolve domain names for all sub-domains (wildcard management) Enables or disables the inclusion of sub-domains linked to the domain name.

Subscribing to the Wildcard range is necessary in order to benefit from this feature.

Dynamic DNS service provider

This zone allows you to enter the access information for your Dynamic DNS service provider.

Dynamic DNS provider (mandatory) DNS service provider. Currently, two DNS service providers are supported: DynDNS and No-IP.
Login  (mandatory) User indicated by the DNS service provider for the authentication of the Dynamic DNS client.
Password  (mandatory) Password indicated by the DNS service provider for the authentication of the Dynamic DNS client.
Dynamic DNS server (mandatory) Server of the DNS service provider. The object to specify in this field must be named: "" or “” in order to run with DynDNS.
Dynamic DNS service (mandatory) This option allows you to indicate the service you have subscribed with the DNS service provider from among the following: "dynamic DNS", "custom", and "static DNS".

Advanced properties

Access the settings for advanced properties by clicking on the button Advanced properties. These allow in particular, renewing registrations and changing addresses.

Renewal frequency (days) Renewal period of the Dynamic DNS service. Stormshield Network has set this period to 28 days by default.

Excessively frequent renewals will be penalized (by a closure of the account, for example), therefore providers will not allow renewals made less than 26 days (after the first renewal). Also, if an account is not renewed after 35 days, it will be closed. However, the above information is subject to change as it is a provider established operation.

Protocol used for the update Protocol used during the dynamic DNS service renewal phase. Possible choices are: HTTPS and HTTP.
Notify the provider This service, which DynDNS charges at a fee, enables redirecting traffic headed for your network to a specific page when your connection is inactive.
Support address translation (NAT) This option allows the firewall to use dynamic DNS services when it is located behind a device that performs address translation.