Allowed or prohibited names

These are the characters allowed or prohibited on items saved on your firewall:

Firewall name

Firewall name must not exceed 127 characters. Allowed characters:

<alphanum> - _ .

Login and password

  • Login (prohibited characters):

" <tab> & ~ | = * < > ! ( ) [ ] / \ $ % ? ' ` <space> : ; @ + ,

  • PPTP login (allowed characters):

<alphanum> - _ .

  • Password (prohibited characters):

" <tab> <space>

Filter and NAT

Comment and separator (prohibited characters):

< > "

Interface names

  • Names of interface must not exceed 15 characters. Names of interfaces may not contain the following words if they are immediately followed by numbers (e.g.: ethernet0, dialup123):

loopback ethernet wifi dialup vlan bridge agg ipsec sslvpn gretun gretap

  • Names must not begin with the following prefixes:

firewall network serial loopback

  • Names must not be a reserved word:

Ipsec dynamic sslvpn any protected notprotected

  • Names must not contain the following characters:

@ " # <tab> <space>

Network objects

Object name

  • Object names must not exceed 255 characters. Prohibited characters:

<tab> <space> | ! " # , = @ [ \ ]

  • Prohibited prefixes:

Firewall_ Network_ ephemeral_ Global_

  • Prohibited names:

any internet none anonymous broadcast all


  • Prohibited characters:

< > # @ "

DNS (FQDN) name objects

Object names must not exceed 255 characters. Allowed characters:

<alphanum> . -

Certificates and PKI

  • The C field must not exceed 2 characters.

  • The CN field must not exceed 64 characters.

  • Certificate name (prohibited characters):

/ <tab> " ` % :

  • Certificate short name (prohibited characters):

/ <tab> " ` % : \

  • Certification authority name (prohibited characters):

` " : _ [ / ]


  • User name in the database (prohibited characters):

<tab> " , ; & ~ | = * < > ! ( ) \

  • Name of the group in the User database (prohibited characters):

<tab> <space> & ~ | = * < > ! ( ) \ $ % ! ' " ‘

  • LDAP database path: DN, CA Dn and consort (prohibited characters):

" & ~ | * < > ! ( )


Name of the IPsec peer (prohibited characters):

# = @ [ \ ]


  • Web server login (allowed characters):

<alphanum> - _ . :

  • Prefix of the URL’s root directory: (allowed characters):

<alphanum> - _

Quality of Service (QoS)

QoS queues

  • Names must not exceed 31 characters (prohibited characters):

@ [ ] # ! \ " | <space> <tab>

  • Names must not contain any of the following reserved expressions:

internet any any_v4 any_v6 firewall_ network_ broadcast anonymous none all original

Traffic shapers

Names must not exceed 15 characters (prohibited characters):

@ [ ] # ! \ " | <space> <tab>

E-mail alerts

  • E-mail addresses of SMTP server (prohibited characters):

<alphanum> ! # $ % & \ * + - / = ? _ ` { } | ~ .

  • Name of e-mail groups (prohibited characters):

<tab> <space> | ! " # , = @ [ \ ]

  • ID name (prohibited characters):

< >