joinHA operation

This operation allows a firewall to join a cluster, which must already be initialized. The network interfaces dedicated to HA must be physically connected (active and passive firewalls)

In an RMA hardware return, the exchanged firewall must be removed from the cluster beforehand using the following CLI / serverd commands:

ha cluster remove serial="remote"

ha cluster activate

For more information on the syntax of these commands, refer to the CLI SERVERD Commands Reference Guide SNS v3 or CLI SERVERD Commands Reference Guide SNS v4.

The joinHA operation uses a third temporary IP address for the connection to the main firewall in the cluster.


"serial | any", joinHA, "IP_HA_1", "IP_HA_2", "IP_HA_join", "mask", interface_name", "password"

"serial | any", joinHA, "IP_HA_1", "IP_HA_2", "IP_HA_join", "mask", interface_name", "password", "IP_HA_join_backup", "mask_backup", "interface_name_backup"

Parameter Description
IP_HA_1 First remote IP address tested to reach the cluster.
IP_HA_2 Second remote IP address tested to reach the cluster if IP_HA_1 does not respond, or IP address assigned to the interface "interface_name" (interface dedicated to HA ) if the main firewall could be reached via IP_HA_1.
IP_HA_join IP address that the firewall temporarily uses to reach the cluster.
mask Network mask of the interface "interface_name".
interface_name Name given to the interface dedicated to the main HA link.
password Pre-shared key to secure the connection between members of the cluster.
IP_HA_join_backup IP address assigned to the interface "interface_name_backup" (interface dedicated to the backup HA link).
mask_backup Network mask of the interface "interface_name_backup".
interface_name_backup Name given to the interface dedicated to the backup HA link.

SN310B00000000Z, joinHA,,,,, HA, PasswordValue
SN310B00000000Z, joinHA,,,,, HA, PasswordValue,,, HA2

The USB key must be removed when the firewall joining the cluster restarts, during the configuration synchronization phase.