New EWC URL categories without any equivalence with former categories

New URL category Description of the new URL category
astrology Sites that promote, provide or share information on beliefs relating to astrology such as horoscopes, zodiac signs, etc. This category also includes similar beliefs not related to astrology, such as numerology, fortune telling, etc., but does not include organized religions or cults.
c&c (Malware command and control websites) Websites that generally exploit malware already installed on the user's host. A malware download may sometimes be in progress when the user connects to the website, if the site both hosts and exploits the malware.
homograph (Homographic websites) Websites with domain names that visually resemble legitimate domain names, but which use different character sets, such as Cyrillic characters that match Latin characters, e.g., 'a', 'p' and 'e'. Although these domain names are visually identical to the original domain names, they are generally used for malicious purposes.
hosting (Website hosting) Free or commercial website hosting services that allow individuals or organizations to create and publish websites.
illegalactivities (Illegal activities) Sites with content that would be considered illegal in most countries, including, for example, content relating to the sexual exploitation of minors. This category does not include computer hacking or narcotics.
kids (Children's websites) SItes designed for use by children, with content such as children's stories, games and media.
lingerie (Lingerie and swimwear) Sites that promote or sell lingerie, undergarments and bathing suits.
malware-hd (Probable malicious software) Sites that are deemed to potentially contain or provide malicious software, but may also not contain any. As this status is stricter than the "Malware" status, it may generate false positives. For a strict inspection, this status should raise an alert on websites. For a normal inspection, this status can be ignored.
marijuana (Marijuana and derived products) Sites that sell marijuana and associated products, as well as sites that provide information and forums on growing marijuana and its effects.
miners (Cryptocurrency miners) Sites that attempt to mine cryptocurrency in the user’s web browser by using the computer's resources. In general, such sites hide this from the user, but may sometimes inform the user.
narcoticsgeneral (Drugs other than marijuana) Sites that offer information on illegal narcotics other than marijuana (which is included in the category marijuana [Marijuana and derived products]) This category also includes websites that explain the ingredients, use and manufacture of drugs, or which offer them for sale or exchange.
nudity Websites that discuss and promote nudism, and other non-pornographic websites on which human nudity is the main topic, generally in the form of a documentary or an art. This category does not include websites that fall under the category porn (Erotic content and pornography).
occult (Occult and supernatural) Websites that discuss and promote supernatural occult or "magic" practices such as witchcraft, voodoo, Satanism, etc. This category does not include websites that fall under astrology and religion (Religious and sectarian proselytizing).
onlinepay (Online payment) Sites that offer online payment or money transfers. This category includes popular payment websites such as PayPal and Moneybookers. It also heuristically includes pages on websites that request credit card information, which makes it possible to detect hidden, unknown or illegal online stores.
pets Websites that sell pets and accessories for pets, or which provide information and discussion forums on owning and caring for pets.
pharmacy (Pharmaceuticals) Websites that offer medical information on pharmaceuticals, or which offer medical advice and sell pharmaceuticals.
pua (Potentially undesirable applications) Sites that host potentially undesirable applications, often installed and used by third parties for malicious purposes without the user’s consent. This category includes software programs such as web proxies or socks proxies, remote administration tools, location tracking tools, etc.
sextoys (Erotic gadgets) Websites that offer the sale of erotic products and accessories.
sexualcontent (Other sexual content) Websites with sexual content that do not correspond to any other category that deals with eroticism or pornography.
suicide Websites that promote suicide. This category does not include suicide prevention clinics.
tabloids (Sensational media) Soft porn and celebrity gossip websites. Many information websites that publish such content may have sub-categories listed under this category via heuristic detection.