Enabling NTP time synchronization

Since the TOTP solution is based on limited-duration codes, the date and time on the SNS firewall must be accurate. To guarantee optimal operation, you are strongly advised to enable NTP time synchronization.

  1. Go to Configuration > System > Configuration, General configuration tab.

  2. Under Date/Time settings, select Synchronize firewall time (NTP).

  3. Ensure that you have the correct time zone, and change it if necessary.

  4. Under List of NTP servers, you can keep the NTP servers entered by default or change them according to your preferences with the Add and Delete buttons.

  5. If keys are needed to access the NTP servers, you can add keys under List of NTP keys, then associate them with the NTP servers under List of NTP servers.

  6. Click on Apply.

  7. A message will prompt you to restart the SNS firewall. Click on the icon in the upper banner, then on Restart now.

  8. Once the SNS firewall has restarted, in Configuration > System > Configuration, General configuration tab, under Date/Time settings, check whether the date and time on the SNS firewall are accurate.

Window to change the SNS firewall's date and time settings