Installing the SN SSO Agent

You can install SN SSO Agent for Windows on a host that belongs to the Active Directory domain or on your domain controller. The installation wizard helps you to configure the parameters of the SN SSO Agent on the workstation.

In a Microsoft Active Directory environment, SN SSO Agent version 3.x can be automatically deployed via a GPO (group policy object). The agent can therefore be installed silently (transparent for the user), with the necessary administration privileges whenever a mobile client passes through the corporate network.

If you are installing the SSO agent on a workstation that is a member of the domain

  1. Run Windows Defender with advanced security features,
  2. Click on the menu on the left Incoming traffic rules: the list of rules appears,
  3. Using the [Ctrl] key and mouse, select the 3 following rules:
    • Remote management of event logs (NP-Entry),
    • Remote management of event logs (RPC),
    • Remote management of event logs (RPC-EMAP),
  1. In the Actions panel on the right side of the screen, click on Enable rule.
  2. Quit Windows Defender with advanced security features.