Getting started

Product concerned: SNS 1 and higher versions

Last udpate: February 2019

VMware NSX Data Center is a network virtualization platform for Software-Defined Data Centers (SDDCs), which provides all network and security features in the form of a program, and is isolated from the physical underlying infrastructure.

NSX Data Center therefore allows a virtual cloud network to be set up by guaranteeing end-to-end connectivity with applications and data, no matter where they are located.

Integrating an SNS firewall into an NSX architecture can therefore provide advanced filtering and security features to protect such data and applications.


The various components of a vSphere environment are as follows:

  • ESXi: hypervisor on a hardware platform (bare metal),
  • vCenter: centralized virtual machine manager,
  • vSphere: vCenter - ESXi hypervisor connection,
  • vSphere Enterprise: version of vSphere that includes Distributed Virtual Switches (DVS) and the Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS).

Do note that this document does not cover the installation of a firewall from an OVA file that can be obtained from your client area. The installation procedure is available in the document Stormshield Network Virtual Firewalls - Installation guide.