Limitations and explanations on usage
Local identification type "ID_DER_ASN1_DN" cannot be used along with Pre-shared keys (PSK),
PSK authentication : Preshared password cannot contain special characters,
If opened right after command line installation, the about window may still display "Evaluation Mode" when activation was done correctly,
Scroll bar sometimes disappears in Automation tab,
In some screen resolutions, the status bar of the Configuration Panel is not displayed the first time it is launched,
Language settings changed in the Configuration Panel are not applied to the GINA interface,
Uninstalling by double clicking on the MSI package is not supported,
Mobile tunnels cannot be set up in standard mode (non-DR) with Brainpool 256-based certification authorities (CA) and certificates,
If mobile tunnels are set up in DR mode without using Config mode (with the option Request configuration from the gateway unselected), the phase 2 renegotiation will fail,
Tunnels cannot be set up in DR mode with Brainpool 256-based certificates in GINA mode (tunnel opened from the Windows connection page),
If tunnels are set up in DR mode using a network group as the traffic selector (via Config mode), the phase 2 renegotiation will fail,
The Block Split Tunelling and All traffic through the tunnel options are not compatible with OpenVPN tunnels transported over TCP,
After waking up from sleep, the tunnel is no longer open, and it cannot be opened again. Either IKE failed to reset, or an interface error occurs after IKE reset,
SSL tunnel creation wizards defaults to IKEv2 tunnel creation,
The Redundant Gateway function should not be configured together with the Fallback Tunnel function. You should choose one or the other, failing which the VPN Client could have an undefined behavior,
When migrating from an earlier version to a newer version, we recommend that you perform the deployment with a configuration created using the version to be deployed rather than letting the VPN Client use the earlier configuration. This is particularly intended to avoid any issues with configuration format changes related to the automatic selection of certificates on smart cards and in the Windows store,
A PIN code error may occur when automatic certificate selection is enabled.