Getting started

Welcome to the Stormshield Network SSL VPN Client version 4.0.9 EA Release Notes.

It contains information that you must read before upgrading this product to version 4.0.9 EA.

EA (Early Adopter) label

Minor or major versions with this label include new important features that have yet to be deployed among our clients on a large scale in a production environment. The EA label is not attached to any version over the long term and is removed once a subsequent corrective version is published.


For information on previous versions of Stormshield Network SSL VPN Client, refer to to the section Previous versions of SN SSL VPN Client v4.

This document is not exhaustive and other minor changes may have been included in this version.

In the documentation, Stormshield Network SSL VPN Client is referred to in its short form: SN SSL VPN Client and Stormshield Network Security in its short form SNS.


Date Description
November 13, 2024

New document