Version 3.2.3 bug fixes

Address book - OTP

Support reference 84763

The address book now takes into account multifactor authentication (OTP) when it connects to an address.

More information on configuring and using the SN SSL VPN Client.


Local Windows "OpenVPN Administrators" group

Support reference 85105

In some cases, the Windows user was not added to the local "OpenVPN Administrators" group when the installation of the SN SSL VPN Client was complete, preventing the user from setting up VPN tunnels. To fix this issue, the Windows user now no longer needs to belong to the local "OpenVPN Administrators" group.

Windows environment variables

Support references 85167 - 85168

The installation of the SN SSL VPN Client would fail whenever the value of the Windows environment variable "Path" was changed. This issue, which generated the errors "pnputil.exe failed with return code 9009" and "GENERATE_OVPN_AUTH", has been fixed. The SN SSL VPN Client installation mechanism now uses the Windows environment variable "SystemRoot" instead of "Path".

Do note that the installation of the SN SSL VPN Client will fail if the value of the "SystemRoot" variable is changed and no longer matches the Windows installation folder (e.g., C:\Windows).