Big Data option (SN2100, SN3100, SN-L-Series-2200, SN-L-Series-3200, SN6100, SN-XL-Series-5200 and SN-XL-Series-6200)

If you have subscribed the Big Data option (available on SN2100, SN3100, SN-L-Series-2200, SN-L-Series-3200, SN6100, SN-XL-Series-5200 and SN-XL-Series-6200 models), the original SSDs will be replaced with SSDs of greater capacity.

After you have shut down the appliance:

  1. Unlock the rack with the levers, then pull out both SSD canisters.

  2. Insert the new canisters with the replacement SSDs obtained from your partner, until you hear a click. They will be detected the next time you start the appliance.