Scenario no. 1: Only one port on the LAN/in interface was used on the SN160(W) firewall
Plug in the cable that was on one of the ports from 2 to 5 (LAN/in interface) on the SN160(W) firewall to port 2 (LAN/in interface) on the SN-S-Series firewall:
If a Wi-Fi interface was configured on the SN160(W) firewall
Configure a Wi-Fi access point (not provided by Stormshield) in the same way that the Wi-Fi interface was configured on the SN160(W) firewall and connect it to one of the free ports on the SN-S-Series firewall (port 3/dmz1, port 4/dmz2, port 5/dmz3, port 6/dmz4, port 7/dmz5 or port 8/dmz6).
On the SN-S-Series firewall, you need to check/adapt the filter policy relating to traffic from the access point that passes through the firewall, in order to apply the address range of the access point and the interface to which the access point is connected.