Creating IPsec tunnels

By following the method described for configuring IPsec tunnels on the firewall that protects client workstations, define 3 IPsec tunnels using the values below:

Tunnel on the WAN1 link

  • Local network: select the local virtual interface Firewall_TunWAN1,
  • Remote network: select the object RemoteTunWAN1,
  • Create (or select it if it exists) a peer whose remote gateway will be an object representing the public IP address dedicated to the WAN1 link of the remote firewall. The version of the IKE protocol has to be the same as the one used on the firewall that protects clients.

Tunnel on the WAN2 link

  • Local network: virtual interface Firewall_TunWAN2,
  • Remote network: object RemoteTunWAN2,
  • Peer's gateway: host object with the same public IP Address dedicated to the WAN2 link of the remote firewall.

Tunnel on the WAN3 link

  • Local network: virtual interface Firewall_TunWAN3,
  • Remote network: object RemoteTunWAN3,
  • Peer's gateway: Host object with the same public IP Address dedicated to the WAN3 link of the remote firewall.