Adding a filtering rule

  1. In the Filtering tab, click on New rule > Standard rule.

  2. A new rule, which is disabled by default, is created.


  1. Double-click on the value off in the Status column.

  2. The status of the rule will change to on.


  1. Double-click on the value Block in the Action column:
  2. In the Action field, select pass,
  3. In the Log level field, select log if you want traffic matching this rule to be reflected in the Firewall’s filter logs.


  1. Double-click on the value Any in the Source column.
  2. In the Source hosts field, select the network object client_desktop.

You can refine your filter rule by indicating in the Incoming interface field an interface on which your client workstation’s network is connected.


  1. Double-click on the value Any in the Destination column.

  2. In the Destination hosts field, select your network object intranet_server.

You can refine your filter rule by indicating in the Outgoing interface (Advanced properties tab) field the network interface to which the intranet server is connected.

Destination port

  1. Double-click on the value Any in the Destination port column.
  2. In this case for the Destination port field, select HTTP.

Rule for administering the Firewall

Following the method described above, add a rule allowing the Firewall to be administered (rule 2):

  • Source: Any (or a group of authorized hosts)
  • Destination: Firewall_Bridge object
  • Port: Admin_Srv object