Requirements and technical characteristics


  • An Azure or Microsoft account.
    To create an account, go to the Stormshield Elastic Virtual Appliance page on Microsoft Azure Marketplace and click on Get it now.

  • An active Azure subscription.
    To check or manage your subscriptions, log in to the Microsoft Azure portal and click on Subscriptions.

  • An SNS EVA product license.
    If you do not already have a license, get in touch with your Stormshield distributor to order one. Use our search engine to locate a distributor close to you.

Technical characteristics of Microsoft Azure instances

Azure instance vCPU RAM Network interfaces Bandwidth (Mb/s) EVA model
F1 1 2 2 Moderate: 750 EVA1
F2 2 4 2 High: 1500 EVA2 or EVA3
F4 4 8 4 High: 3000 EVA4
F8 8 16 8 High: 6000 EVAU
F16 16 32 8 Very high: 12000 EVAU

Technical characteristics of SNS EVA firewalls






max = 2 GB

10 GB (2 GB for swap)

max = 1


max = 3 GB

10 GB (2 GB for swap)

max = 2


max = 6 GB

10 GB (2 GB for swap)

max = 4


max = 8 GB

10 GB (2 GB for swap)

max = 4


max = 64 GB

10 GB (4 GB of swap)

max = 16