Deploying your EVA

  1. Access to the marketplace by clicking on the following link: Stormshield Network Security AWS EVA
  2. If not already done, Sign in using your account.
  3. Once you’ve reached the Product Overview page, you can estimate the costs of your virtual appliance.
    EBS Storage is not included in these fees. EVA will require 10 GB of EBS storage.

    The amount includes AWS fees only. The SN license is not issued by AWS, as the EVA Stormshield Network Security is provided with a Bring Your Own License (BYOL) model. The SN software license must be ordered from your distributor (see Get your EVA UTM license).

  5. Click on Continue to Subscribe.
  6. Subscribe to the Stormshield Offer if not already done.
  7. Click on Continue to Configuration.
  8. If you don’t want to deploy the last available version of the Stormshield Network software, select the version you want in the Software Version section.
  1. Select the region where you want to deploy your virtual firewall.
    You must deploy your EVA in the region where your protected AWS servers and VPC are already deployed. The region where you will deploy the EC2 instance running your EVA might have an impact on several factors, including:
    • AWS charges for this Instance,
    • Network performance,
    • Local legislation.
  1. Click on Continue to Launch.
  2. Leave "Launch from Website" in the Choose Action section.
  3. In the EC2 Instance Type section, select the EC2 Instance Type you need (see Choose the EC2 instance Type matching your needs).
  4. Choose your VPC.
  5. Select the public subnetwork previously created ( in the example).
  6. In the Security Group Settings section, select the previously created Security Group allowing all inbound and outbound traffic (Allow all in the example).
  7. Select the Key Pair you want to install on your instance.
  8. Click on Launch.
    Your instance is now being deployed and started.
  9. In the AWS console, you can now edit the Name of your instance (Services > EC2 > Instances > Instances menu).