
Product concerned: SNS 3.8 and higher versions

Last udpate: September 2021

This document will guide you through the main steps towards setting up your Stormshield Network Security Elastic Virtual Appliance (EVA) on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Available AWS / EVA instances

This table presents the different kind of AWS instances and the corresponding EVA models:

AWS instance vCPU



Network interfaces

Bandwidth EVA model
t2.micro 1 1 2 Low-moderate EVA1
t2.small 1 2 3 Low-moderate EVA1
t2.medium 2 4 3 Low-moderate EVA2
m4.large 2 8 2 Moderate EVA3, EVA4
m4.xlarge 4 16 4 High EVA3, EVA4
m4.2xlarge 8 32 4 High EVAU
m4.4xlarge 16 64 8 High EVAU