Creating a VPC for instances to be deployed

The VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) is the virtual network in which the SNS EVA firewall, and the hosts that it protects, will be deployed. The VPC comprises two sub-networks:

  • A public sub-network to which the public interface (out) of the SNS EVA firewall will be attached,
  • A private sub-network to which the protected interface (in) of the SNS EVA firewall, and the interfaces of the protected hosts, will be attached.

Creating the VPC

In the COCKPIT 3DS OUTSCALE console, under the VPC menu:

  1. Select VPC.
  2. Click on Create, then Expert mode.
  3. Enter a name for the VPC (e.g., Documentation-VPC) and the associated network in CIDR notation (e.g., ).
  4. Confirm by clicking on Create.

Creating ‎the public sub-network of the VPC

  1. Click on the VPC created earlier to select it (Documentation-VPC in the example).
    Details about the VPC will appear in the lower section of the configuration window.
  2. Click on Create Subnet.
  3. Enter a name (e.g., Documentation-VPC -Public) and the associated network in CIDR notation (e.g., ).
    This sub-network must be part of the VPC’s network.
  4. Select the geographic area in which this sub-network is available (eu-west-2a in the example).
  5. Confirm by clicking on Create.

Creating ‎the private sub-network of the VPC

  1. Click on Create Subnet again.
  2. Enter a name (e.g., Documentation-VPC -Private) and the associated network in CIDR notation (e.g., ).
    This sub-network must be part of the VPC’s network.
  3. Select the geographic area in which this sub-network is available (eu-west-2a in the example).
  4. Confirm by clicking on Create.