Deploying patterns on the Active Update server
On the validation firewall, generate the archive containing all the custom patterns using the command:
enpattern -favz
This command will launch the compilation of all patterns (options -f and -a) and the creation of the archive that groups these signatures (option -z) and is meant to be provisioned on the Active Update server. The option -v enables the command's verbose mode.
The folder /usr/Firewall/Data/CustomPatterns/Download contains the output of this command:
- The archive named custom_patterns_active_update.tgz,
- A file per context, containing all patterns specific to this context (e.g.: tcpudp_hostname).
Transfer the archive custom_patterns_active_update.tgz to the root of the website hosted on your Active Update server, then unzip it.
This archive contains the following:
- A CustomPatterns-vX.index file that includes the list of custom patterns and their revision numbers,
- A file CustomPatterns-vX.md5 that allows verifying the integrity of the index file,
- A tree grouping the custom patterns.
The custom pattern is now ready to be deployed on the pool of client firewalls.