


Appears in 3.0.0


Show the specified Syslog profile. If the profile is not specified, then list all profiles.




State : State
Name : Syslog profile name
Comment : Description of the profile
Server : Syslog server to send the log messages to
Port : Syslog port
BackupServer: Backup Syslog server to send log to
BackupPort : Backup Syslog port
Protocol : Transport to use (UDP|TCP|TLS)
SyslogProtocol : Syslog protocol to use (Legacy|Legacy_long|RFC5424)
CAServer : The trusted CA which issued the server certificate
CertServer : The server certificate
CertClient : The client certificate
BindAddr : Firewall local IP to use to connect to the Syslog server
Facility : Facility number
LogtypePos : Indicates if the logtype token should appear after startime token
LogAlarm : Indicates if this profile should send alarm logs to the Syslog server
LogConnection Indicates if this profile should send connection logs to the Syslog server
LogFilter : Indicates if this profile should send filter logs to the Syslog server
LogWeb : Indicates if this profile should send web logs to the Syslog server
LogSmtp : Indicates if this profile should send smtp logs to the Syslog server
LogDate : Indicates if this profile should send date logs to the Syslog server
LogFtp : Indicates if this profile should send ftp logs to the Syslog server
LogSystem : Indicates if this profile should send system logs to the Syslog server
LogPlugin : Indicates if this profile should send plugin logs to the Syslog server
LogVPN : Indicates if this profile should send VPN logs to the Syslog server
LogAuth : Indicates if this profile should send auth logs to the Syslog server
LogServer : Indicates if this profile should send Server logs to the Syslog server
LogPop3 : Indicates if this profile should send POP3 logs to the Syslog server
LogXvpn : Indicates if this profile should send Xvpn logs to the Syslog server
LogMonitor : Indicates if this profile should send Monitor logs to the Syslog server
LogPvm : Indicates if this profile should send Pvm logs to the Syslog server
LogCount : Indicates if this profile should send Count logs to the Syslog server
LogFilterstat: Indicates if this profile should send FilterStat logs to the Syslog server
LogSsl : Indicates if this profile should send SSL logs to the Syslog server
LogSandboxing: Indicates if this profile should send Sandboxing logs to the Syslog server
LogRouterStat: Indicates if this profile should send RouterStat logs to the Syslog server
LogDmrouting: Indicates if this profile should send Dynamic multicast routing logs to the Syslog server
