guest authentication appears in 1.0.0
realbind disappears in 3.0.0
timeout, btimeout, retry, bretry and VSAusergroup appear in 4.3.0
methods parameter appears in 4.5.0
Show authentication configuration.
[methods=<methods>]: Filter the returned sections, available sections are: config, caverifylist, cipher, radius, ssl, kerberos, spnego, guest, sponsor, voucher, totp, tsagent
anonymised : show/hide the logo in the authentication page
SslCertificate : refer key/certificate entry on 'key' file
internal : internal interface configuration
external : external interface configuration
state : status of this method
host : radius server hostname
port : radius port
pencoding : radius server charset encoding
bhost : radius backup server hostname
bport : radius backup port
bencoding : radius backup server charset encoding
presharedkey : key used for encrypting exchanges between the firewall and the RADIUS server
bpresharedkey : key used for encrypting exchanges between the firewall and the Backup RADIUS server
timeout : timeout in milliseconds when authenticating on the RADIUS server
btimeout : timeout in milliseconds when authenticating on the backup RADIUS server
retry: number of retries when authenticating on the RADIUS server
bretry: number of retries when authenticating on the backup RADIUS server
VSAusergroup: 1 if user group VSA support if enabled, 0 otherwise
MsgAuthenticatorSend: if enabled, send the message-authenticator attribute in client requests
MsgAuthenticatorRequired: if enabled, reject any server response that doesn't contain a message-authenticator attribute
state : status of this method
CertificateIdentifier : field in certificate to match
LdapIdentifier : field in LDAP to match
state : status of this method
domain : Kerberos realm (domain) name
pkdc_host : Primary KDC host address
pkdc_port : Primary KDC port (default 88)
bkdc_host : Backup KDC host address
bkdc_port : Backup KDC port (default 88)
state : status of this method
domain : Windows domain name
principal : Principal service name
State : activate or not the agent
Mscontroler : object name of the Microsoft domain controller
MsbackupControler : object name of the second Microsoft domain controller
Directory : name of the LDAP directory to use
MaxLogonTime : maximum time in seconds for the authentication
Probe : activate or not the user logout probing
ProbeMethod : comma separated list of probing methods (arp, icmp, nbstat, registery, ...)
ProbeTimeout : maximum time in seconds for not responding stations
BindAddr : the IP address of the source connection
AgentAddr : the IP address of the agent
AgentPort : the port of the agent
AgentPassword : the password of the agent
BackupAddr : the IP address of the backup agent
BackupPort : the port of the backup agent
BackupPassword : the password of the backup agent
DomainName : the filter to be applied on logon events
state : activate or not the guest method
LogonTime : Time in seconds for re-authentication
Disclaimertime : Time in seconds for disclaimer revalidation