Manages the URL classification daemon
urlctl [-v] [-o] [-q] [-b] [-B] [-r <reload arg>] [-R <reason>] [-s <slotid>] [-u <URL>] [-U <arg>] [-c <CN>] [-C <arg>] [-d] [-g <arg>] -v Enable verbosity -o Specify the output format, arg may be "text|html|xml|json[,pretty]" (default is "text,pretty") -q Do not print the results to standard output -b Bypass CloudURL categorization (oem category will be 'Private IP Adresses') -B Execute in background (will not print the results) -r Make urld reload partially or totally its configuration. arg may be "all", "engine", "filter", "verbose" -R Text to explain why the reload was requested -s Classify only for the categories defined in the provided slot -u Classify the given url -U Classify all the URLs found in the file name given in arg -c Classify the given CN -C Classify all the CNs found in the file name given in arg -d Display the current loaded configuration of urld -g Display classification groups. arg can be "all", "url", "cn"
A command is sent to urld. Execution will wait until a response is received from urld unless background exection is requested