
Client application used to control the routing management daemon (routerd)


routerctl [-h] [-v] [-B] [-o] [-b] [-4] [-6] [-f] [--refresh arg] [--router arg] [--gateway arg] [--state arg] [--dhcp dhcp-mac-ifce-name] [--dialup dialup-mac-ifce-name] [--check-config] [--dump-config] [--reload-config arg] [--host-status] [--get-history] [--dump-state] [--health]

Command            Args                          Description
-h [ --help ]                                    Display a help message
-v [ --verbose ]                                 Enable verbose mode
-B [ --background]                               Execute in the background (nothing is printed)
-o [ --libxo ]     (text|html|xml|json)[,pretty] Specify the output format (text,pretty is used by default)
-b                                               Boot mode (won't call external scripts in case the firmware is booting up)
-4 [ --ipv4 ]                                    Manage IPv4 routes or objects
-6 [ --ipv6 ]                                    Manage IPv6 routes or objects
-f                                               Update the routes in the kernel even if their state has not changed
-n                                               Changes are not applied and are printed instead
--refresh                                        Refresh routes (all routes are refreshed, for both ip versions by default)
--refresh-pbr                                    Refresh the router's pbr usage.
--router           router-object                 Name of the router object to update (which ip version to operate on must be specified with option -4 or -6)
--gateway          gateway                       Gateway of an host to request
--state            UP|DEGRADED|DOWN              New state of the specified gateway (case insensitive)
--dhcp             dhcp-mac-ifce-name            Name of the DHCP interface to update, can only be used for DHCPv4 interfaces ( ex: eth0, IPv4 option -4 must be specified)
--dialup           dialup-mac-ifce-name          Name of the dialup interface to update ( ex: ng0, which ip version to operate on must be specified with option -4 or -6 )
--check-config                                   Check routing rules validity in configuration (exclusive with other queries)
--dump-config                                    Dump current routerd configuration (exclusive with other queries)
--reload-config    all|verbose|objects           Reload current routerd configuration (every kind of configuration is refreshed by default, exclusive with other queries)
--host-status      host-name                     Show the links(gateway/ha link) status of a host (HA peer/router object) given in parameter
--get-history      host-name                     Retrieves the measurements history of a host (HA peer/router object) given in parameter. Can be paired with --gateway to request a specific gateway of this host.
--dump-state                                     Dump the state of the differentes routes
--health                                         Get the current global status



Refresh IPv4 or IPv6 static and default routes: routerctl [-v] [-b] [-4] [-6] [-f] --refresh Update the state of a gateway of a given router: routerctl [-v] [-b] [-4] [-6] [-f] --router <router-object> --gateway <gateway-host> --state <UP|DEGRADED|DOWN> Update the state of a generated object of type Firewall_<dhcp-ifce>_router and all router objects using this object as a gateway: routerctl [-v] [-b] [-6] [-f] --dhcp <dhcp-mac-ifce-name> --state <UP|DEGRADED|DOWN> Update the state of a generated object of type Firewall_<dialup-ifce>_peer and all router objects using this object as a gateway: routerctl [-v] [-b] [-6] [-f] --dialup <dialup-mac-ifce-name> --state <UP|DEGRADED|DOWN>