
launchd interface for daemons management.


launchctl <subcommand>help This help output.
load Load configuration files and/or directories.
unload Unload configuration files and/or directories.
remove Remove/stop specified job.
list List jobs and information about jobs.
sig Send a signal to a specified job.
-u Start the specified job (will be restarted on exit).
-o Start the specified job (will not be restarted on exit).
-d Stop specified job.
-p Send a STOP signal to the service.
-c Send a CONT signal to the service.
-h Send a HUP signal to the service.
-a Send a ALRM signal to the service.
-i Send a INT signal to the service.
-t Send a TERM signal to the service.
-k Send a KILL signal to the service.
-1 Send a USR1 signal to the service.
-2 Send a USR2 signal to the service.
-x Prepare for launchd shutdown.
wd Svwaitdown -k.
wu Svwaitup.

