Return the field value of the specified "file + section + item".
getconf [-i <index>] <file> <section> [<item>] [<default>] -i <index> : <file>: Path+name of the configuration file <section>: Section name inside the conf file <item>: Item inside the section <default>: Default value getconf -l <section> <item> [<default>] -l : <section>: Section name inside the conf file <item>: Item inside the section <default>: Default value getconf -d <licencedateitem><licencedateitem> : One item of the following list : Update Pattern VulnBase URLFiltering URLVendor AntiVirus VirusVendor AntiSPAM SPAMVendor NotBefore NotAfter Warranty ExpressWarranty getconf -y <section> <item> [<default>] -y : <section> : Section name inside the payg licence <item> : Item inside the section <default> : Default value getconf -p REMARKS getconf -i <index> <file> <section> returns the index-th "token=value" or only "token" (if no value) getconf -i <index> <file> <section> <item> returns the index-th value for <item>, values must be coma separated getconf -y <section> <item> [<default>] returns the PAYG licence item value getconf -p checks if the PAYG licence is valid
U2504C099999999999>getconf /usr/Firewall/ConfigFiles/network ethernet1 address 10.X.X.X U2504C099999999999>