Perform EST operations for certificate enrolment.
estenroll --operation <cacerts|simpleenroll|simplereenroll> --url <URL> --httpsca <caname> [--alias <alias>] [--bindaddr <addr/host/interface>] [--bindport <port>] [--httpslogin <login>] [--httpspassword <password>] [--promptpassword] [--keytype <RSA|SECP|Brainpool>] [--keysize <size>] [--reqtype <user|server|smartcard>] [--subj <X509 name>] [--upn <upn>] [--altnames <altnames>] [--caname <caname>] [--name <certname>] [--tpm <none|ondisk>] --operation : cacerts Retrieve and import the EST CA simpleenroll Enroll a certificate simplereenroll Renew a certificate --url - Server URL: EST server base URL (https://<host>:<port>/) --alias - EST server alias (when server provides multiple CAs) --bindaddr - addr/host/interface to bind the connection to --bindport - port to bind the connection to --httpsca - TLS Server CA certificate --httpslogin - HTTPS basic auth login --httpspassword - HTTPS basic auth password --promptpassword - prompt for the HTTPS password --keytype - Requested keytype ("RSA"|"SECP"|"Brainpool") --keysize - Requested keysize --reqtype - CSR type ("server"|"user"|"smartcard") --subj - Requested X509 name ("/C=value0/ST=value1/S=...") --upn - Requested X509v3 UPN (for smartcard requests) --altnames - Requested X509v3 altnames (semi-colon separated IP Address/DNS list) --caname - CA for the requested certificate (for simpleenroll/simplereenroll) --name - Desired import name (for simpleenroll) or certificate to be renewed (for simplereenroll) --tpm - TPM seal: (none|ondisk) (for simpleenroll) --dr_force - force import in DR mode on non-compliant cert --help - This help