Activates/deactivates the hardware bypass or get its configuration.
enbypass [-r][-i][-v][-h] -r : rearm Run-time Bypass watchdog -i : return Bypass status (from Bypass hardware registers) -v : set verbose level to info -h : print this help message without option, activate/deactivate Bypass according to configuration file.
SNI40A18A1607A5>enbypass -i FW major version: 1 FW minor version: 6 Module capability: System-Off bypass supported Just-On bypass supported Run-Time bypass supported Run-Time Watchdog1 timer supported Run-Time watchdog1 timer capability: 1~255 seconds System-Off Bypass setting: Enable Just-On Bypass setting: Enable Run-Time Bypass setting: Disable Run-Time watchdog1 timer status: Timer Running Run-Time watchdog1 pair setting: bypass will Enable while timeout Run-Time watchdog1 timer count: 60 seconds I2C Address: 55 SNI40A18A1607A5>