SMC 3.5.4 fixes

Network configuration

Support reference 85571

Creating interfaces in SMC

When users attempted to create a new interface for an SNS firewall in SMC with the same name as an existing interface, the existing interface would be deleted when the list of interfaces was expanded in the Interfaces tab in the firewall's settings. Interfaces with the same name can no longer be created, and the existing interface is no longer deleted.

Support reference 85454

Retrieving blackhole interfaces

When a blackhole interface of any type exists in the local configuration of an SNS firewall that is attached to SMC, SMC can now correctly retrieve it and display it in the firewall's settings. Previously, retrieving such interfaces would cause configuration deployments to fail.

Routing configuration

Support reference 85406

Retrieving interfaces and routes of an SNS cluster in SMC

Interfaces and routes of an SNS firewall cluster configured in high availability, in which the HA link is provided by a VLAN interface, are now correctly retrieved.

Configuration deployment

Support references 85188, 85419 and 85463

Deploying reserved objects and managing interfaces

When a configuration is deployed from SMC to SNS firewalls that have interfaces that SMC does not support (displayed as Other interface), the deployment no longer fails when Firewall_<interface-name> or Network_<interface-name> objects are used in filter and translation rules, or in static or return routes.

If the interface mentioned in the object is not known to SMC, the consistency checker will display a warning.