Adding web services
Filter rules may apply to hosts with public IP addresses that have been classified under one of the web services (previously known as "reputation groups") defined on SNS firewalls.
To benefit from updates of web services on SNS firewalls without having to update your version of the SMC server, you can manually add new web services.
To add new web services, you must know the names of the services used on SNS firewalls, and add them to the file /data/config/smc-webservices.local, as shown below.

- Log in to the SMC server via the console of your hypervisor or in SSH.
- Add new web service names in the file /data/config/smc-webservices.local by following the syntax below:
webservice3 - In the server's web interface, refresh the display to view the new web services in the Source and Destination menus in filter rules: