Backing up the configuration of the server and firewalls automatically
SMC can automatically and repeatedly back up the configuration of firewalls and the server itself in order to restore the entire pool when necessary.
Automatic backups are disabled by default..
Only the super administrator ("admin" user) is allowed to enable or disable automatic backups, and download backups of the SMC server's configuration. All administrators can download configuration backups of SNS firewalls.
On firewalls equipped with initialized TPM modules (Trusted Platform Module), private keys are excluded from automatic backups by default.

- Go to the Maintenance > Backup menu on the left.
The list shows all saved backups. They are kept for seven days. After seven days, only one backup per day is saved. After one month, only one backup per week is saved. After 12 months, backups are deleted.
An icon in the Status column indicates whether the configurations of all firewalls have been backed up, and which firewalls present issues. Scroll over icons with the mouse to display a tool tip.

- Click on
in the Actions column.
The archive contains a metadata file, the backup of the SMC server's configuration and the backups of each firewall's configuration in .na format.

To find out how to restore a backup of the SMC server's configuration, refer to the section Saving and restoring the SMC server configuration.
To find out how to restore a backup of a firewall's configuration, refer to the SNS user guide.

- Double-click a line or click on
in the Actions column.

- Select Enable automatic backup.