SES Evolution 2.4.5 fixes


Before updating your solution from a version 2.3.x to version 2.4.5, you must download and deploy the 2304a security policy. To download it, go to your MyStormshield client area or to the Stormshield Updates panel in your administration console.

Administration console

Management of the log database size

Support references: 211151CW, 211647CW

If a very large number of logs were issued, they could quickly saturate the log database. To avoid this problem, a degraded mode is now enabled when the log database reaches 81% of its maximum size. While this mode is active, a red warning banner displays in the lower part of the administration console.

New agent and system logs sent to the Backoffice are no longer stored in the log database, but are permanently deleted.

However, if you have configured Syslog servers for agent managers, they will continue to receive agent logs.

To disable this degraded mode, click on the Back to standard mode button. This operation can only be performed if the log database volume is below the 81% threshold. You must therefore previously adjust your security policy and manually delete agent logs.