Managing users on the SES Evolution administration console

Users access the console with their Microsoft Windows accounts which must be on the same Active Directory domain as the backend component. If this is not the case, then a relationship of trust must be established between the domains.

By default, only the super administrator specified during installation can log in to the administration console. He/she can then add other users or groups of users who will be able to log on in turn.

If you rename the Windows account of this super administrator, make sure that you have created a user beforehand with the new name in the SES Evolution administration console. Otherwise you will not be able to log in to the console. For further information, refer to the section Adding users on the administration console.

Each user or group is assigned a role that defines their profile and restricts the functionalities available in the administration console. Three roles are available by default: Audit, Helpdesk and Administration. New roles can also be created and customized.

You can create an AdministratorsSES Evolution group in Active Directory, add it to SES Evolution, and assign it the Administration role. In this case, all users in the group will automatically have administrative privileges in the SES Evolution console. You will not need to add them individually.

Multiple users can log on simultaneously to consoles managing the same pool.